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Do I have a car roof crush case?

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San Bernardino Car Roof Crush Lawyers

California Roof Crush Injury Lawyers

When a car roof caves in during an accident, the vehicle’s occupants are in extreme danger. If you or a loved one have suffered severe injuries, you need a top-rated San Bernardino car roof crush lawyer on your side.

A major car accident can be devastating. Roof crush accidents, in particular, often result in catastrophic injuries and can sometimes be traced back to auto manufacturer negligence.

Bisnar Chase is an award-winning personal injury law firm based in San Bernardino with an outstanding track record in auto defect cases.

  • We have been in business since 1978 – more than 45 years of success.

  • Maintaining a 99% success rate with nearly $1 billion recovered and counting.

  • A free consultation and a no win, no fee promise.

  • Specializing in significant auto defect recoveries.

Our team has the resources of a large firm but emphasizes client care. We treat our clients like family and are here to help with your case. Contact us today for a free consultation with no obligations to find out if you have a case.

San Bernardino Car Roof Defect Accident Resources

What is a Car Roof Crush Accident?

A car roof crush accident occurs when the roof of a vehicle is pushed inward, collapsing into the cabin and impacting the driver and passengers inside.

In most cases, a car roof collapses when it is hit with force. This could occur in a rollover accident when the car flips over, and the roof crashes into the road surface.

It goes without saying that a roof crush accident can be deadly. A vehicle’s roof is an essential part of its protective shell. When it caves in upon the vehicle’s occupants, the likelihood of crush injuries or significant trauma shoots way up. This type of crash can often leave victims with catastrophic head, neck, brain, or spine injuries.

Why You Need a Roof Crush Injury Lawyer

Many people find the legal process daunting, and hiring the right lawyer for a car roof crush case in San Bernardino can be overwhelming. However, having the support of an experienced attorney is also incredibly important.

There is no avoiding the fact that auto defect lawsuits are often long, complex, and expensive. The following are just some of the aspects that the right lawyer will handle for you:

  • Dealing with an insurance company, defense lawyers, and courts: The last thing you need after a traumatic accident is to be hassled by insurers and opposition lawyers. Let us be the buffer, handling everything from negotiations and depositions to filing court paperwork while you focus on making a full recovery.

  • Examining your vehicle: We work with experts who will forensically examine your vehicle and identify any defects or flaws that have caused or contributed to your injuries.

  • Taking on massive companies: Challenging a major car manufacturer with seemingly unlimited resources is not easy. Without a skilled lawyer, it becomes almost impossible. The automakers will have a team of attorneys working on their defense, so you need your own legal team to build your case.

  • Maximizing your recovery: Statistics show that working with an attorney results in a significantly higher settlement or verdict. Don’t leave money on the table by trying to go it alone. Work with a lawyer to get the full value from your case.

Contact Bisnar Chase as Soon as Possible

We know that a car accident can be scary and traumatic. When that crash involves a roof collapse, it will probably result in serious injuries. We always advise injury victims to contact a lawyer as soon as possible after an accident, which is even more critical after a roof crush accident in San Bernardino.

Contact Bisnar Chase as soon as possible to ensure that we can preserve your vehicle and take action within the California statute of limitations. Rest easy knowing that a top-rated legal team is immediately working on your personal injury lawsuit.

Bisnar Chase: The Best Auto Defect Law Firm for Your Case

Choosing the right law firm is your most important decision after an accident.

Some personal injury law firms have more experience, better results, and greater resources than others. You need a firm on your side that will give you the level of representation that you deserve.

We believe that working with Bisnar Chase offers you the best chance of success.

  • Our firm has a 99% success rate.

  • We have been in business since 1978, with decades of experience.

  • Nearly $1 billion won for our clients, with many of our most significant victories coming in auto defect cases.

  • More than 12,000 satisfied clients.

  • Offering a free consultation with no obligations and advancing all the costs required to win your case.

At Bisnar Chase, we offer superior client representation. Our team will contact you regularly to ensure you know what is going on with your case at all times.

We won’t just tell you what you want to hear. Our team operates with honesty and integrity. Communication is key in an attorney/client relationship, and we are always accessible.

Contact Bisnar Chase today to ensure you get the representation that you deserve.

Causes of Car Roof Collapse Accidents

A car roof will typically cave in when hit with great force. The two most common scenarios for car roof impacts are rollover accidents and falling objects.

Rollover accidents: A vehicle rollover occurs when a car rolls and its wheels are no longer in contact with the road surface. When a vehicle flips over, the roof often hits the ground hard, propelled by the force of the roll and with the full weight of the vehicle upon it.

Falling objects: If a heavy object drops onto the top of a vehicle, it can cause a lot of damage. The object could be anything from falling debris to someone jumping onto a car roof. However, the weight of the object would have to be significant to generate the same kind of force on the roof as a rollover.

The types of impacts listed above are the most common causes of car roof crushes. However, a vehicle roof should be able to resist a high degree of force. It is an integral part of the car’s structure and is responsible for protecting those inside.

If a car roof collapses in an accident, it might be due to the negligence of the vehicle’s manufacturers. Read on to learn more about car roof auto defects.

Car Manufacturer Negligence

No car is indestructible. Any vehicle’s roof will buckle if it is hit with enough force. So, how do you know when a roof collapse is the result of automaker negligence?

There are two main types of vehicle roof auto defects: design defects and manufacturing defects.

Car Roof Design Defect: A carmaker could be liable if its roof is not structurally sound due to its design. For example, a poor car design might involve sub-strength or undersized support pillars.

Vehicle Roof Manufacturing Defect: A manufacturing defect could involve improper assembly of a vehicle, leading to a lack of structural support or the choice to use cheap or weak materials to construct the roof or supports.

Both of these scenarios constitute manufacturer negligence, meaning that the carmaker could be liable for your injuries.

Motor vehicle accidents often result in serious injury. But we are here to provide the care and support that car accident victims need after a crash. We have dealt with countless catastrophic injury cases.

If you believe you may have a case or want to explore your options after an accident, contact a San Bernardino car roof crush attorney at Bisnar Chase for a free case review.

Who Do You Take Legal Action Against?

In most car accident cases, you will be taking legal action against anyone whose negligence led to your injuries.

For example, you may have been involved in an accident caused by another driver who was texting and driving and sideswiped your vehicle, causing it to roll. In this scenario, you might file a claim against the negligent driver for causing the accident.

Common examples of car accidents caused by someone else’s negligence include:

  • Reckless driving.

  • Speeding.

  • Ignoring road signs or running red lights.

  • Distracted driving.

  • Unsafe lane changes.

However, suppose your injuries were worsened by a weak roof on your vehicle that collapsed when it should have protected you. In that case, we can also file an auto defect lawsuit against the manufacturer.

After a roof crush car accident, the most common liable parties are:

  • Another driver or road user that caused the accident.

  • The manufacturer of your vehicle when they fail to build and distribute a safe car.

  • A third-party company that was involved in the design, manufacturing, or supplying of parts for the unsafe vehicle.

Knowing who to file a claim against can be a minefield. Your best course of action is to contact an attorney at Bisnar Chase as soon as possible and discuss your accident with one of our experts.

Steps to Take After Your Accident

If you are unsure of where to turn or what to do first after a car roof collapse accident, refer to our list below.

Seek medical attention: When an accident results in a car roof cave-in, any injuries are usually severe. Whether you are transported away from the accident scene in an ambulance or can walk away under your own steam, you must get proper medical help. Visit a doctor and follow all treatment instructions.

Preserve your vehicle: In an auto defect case, an expert must often examine your vehicle to assess the damage and identify any weak points or defects. If possible, you should preserve your car in its current state after the accident.

Contact a lawyer: The aftermath of an accident is stressful, and you will have a lot to contend with. Finding a lawyer might seem like another hassle on a long list of things you have to deal with, but it is the best step you can take. Our legal team will shoulder the burden and deal with everything possible, allowing you to focus on your recovery, knowing your case is in hand.

Contact us at Bisnar Chase as soon as possible after your accident to ensure an expert is working toward your best interests immediately.

The Importance of Preserving Your Vehicle

We always advise our clients to preserve their vehicles if possible after a potential auto defect accident. But what does that mean, and why is it so important?

Preserving a vehicle means keeping it in its current condition until an expert can examine it.

Some auto defect cases result from an isolated mistake, whereas others involve inherent faults in a vehicle’s design. We need to examine the car carefully and determine any issues that could be relevant to your case.

We take pride in leaving no stone unturned. Our team is thorough and detail-oriented, which is essential in building a watertight case for our clients. We leave nothing to chance, and examining the vehicle involved in an accident is important in building the evidence required to win your case.

Common Roof Crush Car Accident Injuries

A car crash can result in any number of injuries, from broken bones to whiplash. However, an accident causing the roof to collapse on drivers and passengers is slightly different.

When a roof caves in, it can cause severe blunt-force trauma and crush injuries. Published studies show that the risk of spine injury, brain damage, or even death rises significantly in line with the degree of car roof collapse.

Those findings match our own extensive experience. The most common roof crush injuries we see include:

Spinal Cord Injuries and Traumatic Brain Injury

Any significant injuries impacting the head, neck, brain, or spinal cord can have a real and lasting impact on a person’s quality of life, sometimes causing permanent disabilities. Unfortunately, that is almost always the case when it comes to a car roof crush accident in San Bernardino.

Whether you or a loved one have sustained severe or permanent injuries or you need to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit over the tragic loss of a loved one, our team is here to help.

Car Accidents and Wrongful Death Cases

In fatal car crashes, the victim’s family members can bring a wrongful death lawsuit against any negligent parties. These lawsuits can target maximum compensation for the crushing heartache, damages incurred, or financial burdens left by the loss of a loved one.

At Bisnar Chase, we handle all kinds of accidents in San Bernardino, whether you make a full recovery or someone suffers fatal injuries. Make sure you choose a San Bernardino car accident lawyer with the level of expertise that you need.

What to Expect in the Legal Process

The legal process can be long and complex after a San Bernardino car accident, especially when an auto defect is involved. Our team will handle everything possible for you, but you might still want to know what to expect. Read on for a quick rundown:

  • Depending on the circumstances of the case, the first step might be to approach a negligent manufacturer with a demand for an out-of-court settlement.

  • If we cannot agree upon a fair out-of-court settlement, we will file a lawsuit with the courts to start litigation proceedings.

  • We will collect evidence and secure expert witnesses. Both sides will also conduct depositions. These are recorded interviews providing evidentiary accounts. Our team will help you with any preparation needed.

  • A date will be set for trial, but settlement negotiations can continue alongside a preparation. A settlement can still be agreed upon right up until a trial verdict is delivered.

  • Our expert trial lawyers will represent you in court, and a jury will decide the fate of your case based on the evidence and arguments presented by our team and the defense.

  • When we are successful, you will receive a financial payout from the auto manufacturer.

Depending on the case, legal proceedings can stretch out over months or even years. The good news is that you can leave it in our hands, secure in the knowledge that we are working hard for you.

The Pros and Cons of Going to Trial

Some cases are decided at trial, while others are resolved through out-of-court settlements. Both avenues have advantages.

A settlement is the safer option. It involves an agreement with the defense and a guaranteed payout, eliminating uncertainty or risk.

In contrast, a trial is riskier, but it can result in greater compensation for the plaintiff. Juries can be unpredictable, and there are no guarantees, no matter how strong a case is.

However, sometimes a trial is necessary. The defense might disagree over the facts of the case or refuse to entertain a fair settlement amount. When this happens, our team is ready to go. While many law firms avoid trials, Bisnar Chase has a strong track record in the courtroom.

We will not be bullied by auto giants. Our experienced car accident attorneys will carefully weigh the risks and rewards. They are always prepared to go to trial when it is the right choice for a specific case or client.

Roof Crush Test Safety Standards

Car roof safety standards are set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

The automotive watchdog has a roof crush test that involves placing a vehicle on a machine that presses a large steel plate against the roof of a car. The machine gradually increases the force to test the strength of the roof.

NHTSA upgraded its laws in 2009, specifically to reduce the mounting number of deaths and serious injuries associated with rollover crashes.

Until 2009, the law required any vehicle weighing up to 6,000 lbs to have a roof that could withstand 1.5x the vehicle’s weight.

Following the law change, regulations now apply to all vehicles weighing up to 10,000 lbs, including cars, buses, and trucks. They must now be able to withstand three times the vehicle’s weight.

The NHSTA car roof strength test involves applying this level of force to the vehicle and then measuring any movement in the roof structure. The law also requires specific headroom provisions.

At Bisnar Chase, we support any moves to make these laws tougher, but we believe that car manufacturers can still do more to protect road users. Our team is ready to hold them accountable when they fail to provide proper roof reinforcement.

Does a Car Roof Rack Impact Safety?

Some might believe that adding car roof rails as a roof rack attachment could provide structural reinforcement and extra protection to occupants in a crash. But that is often not the case.

If the roof rails are built into the vehicle’s design, it might provide some element of roof reinforcement. But it will depend on the car, and any safety benefit will likely be negligible.

After-market parts and additions are unlikely to offer any safety benefits. Roof racks are not made to withstand the extreme force of a rollover accident. In some cases, they can even weaken the roof when attached to certain areas.

A Track Record of Success: Our Auto Defect Results

Bisnar Chase has a decades-long history of success in all kinds of personal injury cases across California, from car accidents to dog bites and slip-and-falls.

Many of our top results have come in auto defect cases. We have built a national reputation as a top-rated auto defect law firm. Just some of our top results include:

  • $32,698,073 – Auto Product Liability

  • $24,744,764 – Auto Product Liability

  • $14,443,205 – Auto Product Liability

  • $12,248,000 – Auto Product Liability

  • $10,200,200 – Auto Product Liability

The results above are just a small sample of our top auto defect case results. Click here to learn more about our success stories at Bisnar Chase.

What is Your Case Worth?

There is no set amount of compensation for a car roof crush negligence case. The amount the victim receives depends on the facts of their case, the level of negligence involved, and how the accident has impacted them.

We will typically seek damages for:

  • Medical bills.

  • Pain and suffering.

  • Lost wages and future income.

  • Compromised quality of life.

  • Psychological trauma.

  • Property damage.

  • Projected future medical expenses and care costs, such as ongoing physical therapy.

  • After fatal car accidents, we can file a wrongful death lawsuit claiming compensation for the loss of love, care, support, and other factors.

While we cannot tell you how much your case could be worth before hearing more about it, you can rest assured that we work tirelessly to recover fair compensation for our clients. We don’t leave money on the table.

Contact Bisnar Chase today to discuss your case and learn more about your next steps.

Our Commitment to San Bernardino Residents

Bisnar Chase is a California personal injury law firm that helps injury victims across the entire state. We even handle auto defect cases nationwide, such is our reputation.

Our main office is based in Newport Beach, but we also have offices in San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, and Los Angeles.

If you have been injured in or around the San Bernardino area, we want to help. We are happy to discuss your case over the phone, arrange a meeting at our local offices, or even come to you if your injuries make travel difficult.

The Importance of Holding Car Manufacturers Accountable

Our goal is to secure the maximum possible compensation for our clients. These cases are about your injuries and the impact an accident has had on you. We never lose sight of that.

But there is a secondary benefit to winning an auto defect lawsuit. By holding vehicle manufacturers accountable for their decisions and mistakes, we can make our roads safer for everyone.

Manufacturers make business decisions. When they cut corners or choose the cheapest materials or processes, they are not doing it to hurt people. They are doing it to save money. But if they are held financially responsible for any accidents, making the safest car possible often becomes the correct business decision.

By winning your case, we can secure the justice you deserve, ensure you are made whole through financial compensation, and make the roads safer for everyone, now and in the future.

Car Roof Crush Accident FAQs

Below, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about roof crush injuries. If you have a question that has not been answered on this page, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team can answer any questions you may have while determining whether you have a case.

You can still take legal action if you were partly at fault for an accident. For example, if you share blame with another driver for causing the crash, you can still file a claim against the other driver. Additionally, if you solely caused an accident but suffered injuries because your vehicle’s roof collapsed, you may still have a case against the auto manufacturer. A law called comparative negligence is used in California and across much of the United States. This law reduces the compensation you win by your percentage of fault.

Sometimes, people discover a potentially dangerous defect in their vehicle without sustaining any injuries. For example, an airbag could fail to deploy, or a roof could cave in during a crash, but the vehicle’s occupants could come away unscathed. For Bisnar Chase to take the case, the victim must have sustained physical injuries.

The overwhelming majority of personal injury cases are settled out of court. This is because trials are lengthy and expensive, and settlements carry less risk. However, we always take it on a case-by-case basis. If the defense will not entertain a reasonable settlement, Bisnar Chase is ready and willing to go to trial for you.

Bisnar Chase has offices in San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, Newport Beach, and Riverside. Our team handles cases throughout Southern California, as well as auto defects nationwide. We are proud to represent people from across San Bernardino County.

Contact Top-Rated San Bernardino Car Roof Crush Lawyers at Bisnar Chase

Our team is here to help with your case. We know how difficult the aftermath of an accident can be, but you can rest assured that your case is in good hands with a car accident lawyer at Bisnar Chase.

We have been in business for over 45 years, securing top results for thousands of clients. Over the years, we have recovered nearly $1 billion in settlements and verdicts, many of which have come in auto defect actions, such as roof crush lawsuits.

With a 99% success rate, we have the skill and experience needed to win your case. We also work on a contingency fee basis. That means that you don’t have to pay us anything upfront. Our payment comes from the settlement, protecting you from out-of-pocket fees. If, for any reason, your case is unsuccessful, you owe nothing.

Bisnar Chase’s personal injury attorneys have an outstanding track record and are committed to helping San Bernardino residents who suffer injuries due to carmaker negligence.

Contact a top-rated San Bernardino car roof rush lawyer today for the justice you deserve. Call (909) 253-0750, send us an email, or contact us through our website live chat now for a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.

San Bernardino Car Roof Crush Accident Attorneys

Our experienced car roof crush lawyers help car accident victims across California and have an office in San Bernardino. We are auto defect experts, taking on carmakers when a vehicle roof collapses due to a design or manufacturing issue. If you think you might have a case, contact Bisnar Chase for a free consultation.

473 E Carnegie Dr #221
San Bernardino, CA 92408


$1.7 Billion Verdict in Auto Defect Case Against Ford Spotlights Roof Crush Accidents

Five Severely Injured in Rollover Crash At Street Takeover

Ford Settled Dozens of Truck Rollover Lawsuits Before Landmark Verdict

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Our staff will evaluate your case submission and respond in a timely manner.

Case Results

  • 1


    Consumer Class Action

  • 2


    Motor Vehicle Accident

  • 3


    Auto Defect – Seat Manufacturers, Johnson Controls

  • 4


    Motorcycle Accident

  • 5


    Defective Seatback

  • 6


    Bicycle Accident

Client Reviews

Bisnar Chase Google Review

It was a pleasure working with such an amazing team. You will definitely feel welcomed and kept in the loop throughout the entire process. They do a great job making you feel like you are a part of their team which is how one should feel. The superb customer experience from finish to end. You can trust they will do all possible to promptly and efficiently handle your case.
Yes! I recommend this team…

Queen V
Bisnar Chase Review - Natalie

I’m so impressed with this law firm. I lost my mother because of a seat defect when she was rear-ended in an auto accident and Bisnar Chase stepped up and took our case. The staff is wonderful and Brian Chase took his time explaining everything via phone with me. I’m honored to have the best of the best working on our family’s behalf, trying to get justice for my Mom, because of a negligent car company still manufacturing faulty seats. I look forward to working with this firm and am hopeful for a positive outcome. Thank you so much, Brian Chase. I know you will work your hardest on this case. God Bless you.

Natalie C.
Bisnar Chase Google Review

Bisnar Chase is a model #veteranowned business that is purpose-driven — showing the power of patriotism in action! Because of Bisnar Chase, low-income veterans will be able to forge new futures at home through pro bono legal care. Team Veterans Legal Institute is grateful to have Bisnar Chase as a sponsor for Lawyers for Warriors — supporting the promise to be there for our veterans when they need it most.

KellyAnn Romanych
Bisnar Chase Google Review - Lena

I wasn’t sure if I needed a personal injury attorney because I’d never been in a car accident before. I assumed I’d just go straight through the other driver’s insurance but that quickly became a nightmare. I spent months fighting over the simplest of issues about my case, which was 100% the other driver’s fault. I hired Bisnar Chase to see if they could just take it over for me. I was really impressed with how much they communicated everything to me! I suddenly started getting calls from the insurance company, imagine that. My final settlement was 6 times what I asked for to begin with. Everyone I dealt with was really involved in what was best for me, not the insurance.

Lena Murillo

Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys, LLP

473 E Carnegie Dr #221 San Bernardino, CA 92408


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