Transvaginal mesh implants have been offered as a solution for women who suffer from a condition known as pelvic organ prolapse — where muscles supporting the pelvic organs begin to sag — and to treat urinary incontinence. However, it is increasingly becoming apparent that these medical devices can cause serious side effects and disabling injuries. Some women suffer such debilitating and horrific side effects that many choose to get these implants removed.
What You Need to Know About the Procedure
Before you opt to get a vaginal mesh implant, here are a few things you certainly need to know to make an informed decision:
It’s a complex procedure. Transvaginal surgery may sound like a non-invasive and simple procedure on paper. However, the numbers tell a completely different story. The procedure entails implanting of a synthetic propylene mesh to fix pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. Mesh implants have come under the spotlight over the last several years, with thousands of women complaining about severe side effects. Thousands have filed product defect lawsuits against the manufacturers of these vaginal mesh products, such as Johnson & Johnson’s subsidiary, Ethicon, and C. R. Bard.
It could have severe side effects. The most common complaints that women have about this procedure include severe pain and discomfort. Many also say it doesn’t stop urinary incontinence and ends up damaging nerves around the bladder and the urethra. Other side effects that are reported often include infection, bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse, mesh erosion and vaginal scarring.
Many women attempt to have the mesh removed. Because of these horrible side effects, many women have undergone surgery to have the vaginal mesh implants removed. According to a recent report in The Guardian, one out of 15 women who opted to undergo transvaginal mesh surgery will eventually choose to reverse the procedure. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association stated that at least 3.3 percent of mesh surgery will be reversed after at least nine years.
The mesh may not be removed entirely. Because transvaginal mesh is considered a permanent implant and results in tissue growing around the mesh, it can only be partially removed. Extracting the mesh without damaging the surrounding tissue and organs can be extremely challenging.
Removal of mesh might not improve symptoms. One study in 2014 mentioned that removing the mesh might not necessarily eliminate the side effects. About 67 percent of women do tend to experience some level of improvement in side effects.
What to Do If You Have Been Injured
If you have suffered severe side effects as a result of transvaginal mesh surgery, please get in touch with an experienced product defect lawyer who can help seek compensation for damages such as medical expenses, lost income, cost of surgery, permanent injuries, and pain and suffering.