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Samsung Recalls 1.1 Million Electric Ranges for Fires Caused by Pets and Humans


Samsung has issued an urgent product safety recall for 1.1 million electric ranges after reports of 250 fires and dozens of injuries.

According to The Daily Mail, at least 18 of the fires caused major property damage and killed seven pets. Samsung is warning that the fires can be caused by pets or humans by knocking into the knobs that control the stovetops.

Videos show pets jumping onto ranges and pawing at the controls, accidentally igniting fires. In June, a dog in Colorado did exactly that. Home security video showed boxes on top of the stove catching fire after the dog ignited the range.

Details of the Samsung Recall

Samsung has so far received more than 300 reports of the knobs activating unintentionally since 2013. The recalled ranges were sold between May 2013 and August 2024 online at, as well as in retailers nationwide, including Best Buy, Costco, Home Depot, and Lowe’s.

As a remedy, Samsung will provide customers with new knobs or covers. If animals or people unintentionally bump into the slide-in ranges’ front-mounted knobs, they might accidentally activate them. Consumers who have these ranges at home are asked to contact Samsung for a free set of knob locks or covers.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is warning consumers to keep children and pets away from the knobs and check their range before leaving the house or going to bed to make sure it is turned off.

CPSC also adds that consumers should not place, leave, or store anything on top of a cooking range when it’s not in use because such items could ignite if the range is accidentally activated.

In June, the consumer watchdog agency said it is aware of incidents where houses burned and people were killed as a result of house fires started by these defectively designed range knobs. The issues affect both gas and electric ranges.

What is a Product Design Defect?

Design defects refer to flaws inherent in a product’s design that make it unreasonably dangerous or unsafe when used as intended. Unlike manufacturing defects, which occur during the production process, design defects are present from the beginning and affect every product unit according to that design.

A design defect typically occurs when a product fails to account for foreseeable risks, leading to an unsafe condition. For instance, if a vehicle has a fuel tank that is prone to exploding in rear-end collisions, this would be considered a design defect.

Even though the vehicle was manufactured correctly according to the design specifications, the inherent flaw in the design makes it dangerous.

For a design defect claim to be valid, it generally needs to be proven that a safer, reasonable alternative design was available when the product was made and that using this alternative would have reduced or prevented the harm without significantly impairing the product’s functionality or making it prohibitively expensive.

Design flaws are a crucial component of product liability law, where manufacturers, designers, and sellers are all liable for injuries brought on by such flaws. This legal framework ensures that products released to the public meet safety standards and protect consumers from harm.

How to Prove a Design Defect in a Product Liability Case

Proving a design defect in a product liability case requires a comprehensive approach, as it involves demonstrating that the product’s design is inherently unsafe. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to establish a design defect:

Show the Existence of a Defect

The first step is to establish that the product had a design defect. This means proving that the product, when used as intended, poses an unreasonable risk of harm.

You can demonstrate this by highlighting incidents where the product failed, expert testimony, or showing that the product deviates from typical safety standards.

Demonstrate the Use of the Product

You need to prove that the product was being used as intended or reasonably foreseeable at the time of the injury. If the product was being used in a manner that the manufacturer should have anticipated, this can support your claim.

Prove Causation

It’s crucial to show that the design defect directly caused the injury and/or loss. You must connect the defect to the harm suffered, demonstrating that the injury would not have occurred if the product had been designed differently.

Expert witnesses, such as engineers or safety specialists, often play a key role in establishing this connection.

Present a Safer Alternative Design

A critical aspect of proving a design defect is showing that a safer, feasible alternative design existed when the product was manufactured.

You need to demonstrate that this alternative would have prevented or reduced the risk of injury without significantly compromising the product’s functionality or making it excessively expensive.

Establish the Manufacturer’s Knowledge

You must show that the manufacturer knew or should have known about the risks posed by the design at the time the product was made. Evidence such as internal documents, safety reports, or industry standards can help prove that the manufacturer failed to address a known risk.

Prove Damages

Finally, you need to demonstrate the extent of the damages resulting from the defect. This includes medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs.

Why You Need an Experienced Product Defect Attorney

Proving a design defect in a product liability case is complex and challenging, which is why having an experienced product defect attorney is crucial. Design defect cases involve intricate legal principles, including product liability laws and safety regulations.

An experienced attorney understands these standards and knows how to navigate them effectively, ensuring your case is built on a solid legal foundation.

Proving a design defect often requires expert testimony in engineering, safety, or product design. An experienced attorney has a network of trusted experts who can provide the technical analysis needed to demonstrate the flawed design and how a safer alternative could have been used.

A seasoned attorney also knows how to gather crucial evidence, such as product testing data, internal company documents, and witness testimony. They also understand the importance of preserving evidence, such as the product itself, which is critical to proving your case.

Manufacturers and their insurers often have powerful legal teams. An experienced attorney can level the playing field by effectively negotiating on your behalf and seeking fair compensation for your injuries.

If your case goes to trial, an experienced attorney has the courtroom skills needed to present a compelling case, cross-examine witnesses, and argue effectively before a judge or jury. An experienced product defect attorney is essential to navigating the complexities of a design defect case and maximizing your chances of a successful outcome.


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