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Gavin Newsom Approves Southern California Speed Cameras

Speed cameras for Southern California cities

Three Southern California cities – Glendale, Long Beach, and Los Angeles – could soon be getting speed cameras in school zones and high-risk streets that have a problem with speeding vehicles.

New legislation that Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed makes speed cameras legal. According to an NBC Los Angeles news report, these cameras will also be installed in three Northern California cities: Oakland, San Jose, and San Francisco.

Under the new law, speed cameras would take a picture of the car’s license plate and not the driver, which officials hope will address privacy concerns. The camera will click the picture only if the vehicle is breaking the speed limit by 11 mph or more.

First-time offenders would receive a warning, and then fines would begin at $50. The program also includes a provision that requires cities to reduce the fines for those under the poverty line.

Pros and Cons of Speed Cameras: The Arguments For and Against the Legislation

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) estimates that speeding accounts for nearly one-third of all traffic fatalities. In 2021 alone, 4,285 Californians died as a result of traffic accident fatalities.

That number includes 1,233 pedestrians and bicyclists. The new law allowing speed cameras (AB 645) passed both houses with bipartisan support. A Federal Highway Administration study estimates that speed cameras can reduce crashes on urban streets by up to 54%.

As an example, in New York City, speeding in school zones dropped by 63% after speed cameras were installed.

The legislation has been met with opposition by some groups that claim speed cameras are “ineffective” and “a cash grab.” They say people with “minor speeding,” as opposed to those who race or speed excessively on public roadways, will end up paying the price.

Others say the cameras can be a sensible attempt to save lives. Pedestrian accident victims and their families hope the cameras will be installed quickly so others do not face such tragedies.

The Role of Speed in Pedestrian and Auto Accidents

The part that speed plays in pedestrian accidents is a critical factor that significantly influences the severity and likelihood of such incidents. Here are a few issues to consider in this context:

Severity of injuries: The speed at which a vehicle travels when it strikes a pedestrian is directly proportional to the severity of the injuries sustained. A vehicle traveling at higher speeds has more kinetic energy, making collisions more devastating. Pedestrians hit by speeding vehicles are more likely to suffer severe injuries, including fractures, head trauma, and internal injuries, which can be life-threatening.

Stopping distance: Speed affects a driver’s ability to stop or react to sudden obstacles. At higher speeds, the distance required to come to a complete stop is significantly longer. This means that drivers may not have enough time to react to pedestrians who suddenly enter the roadway, making accidents more likely.

Pedestrian awareness: High-speed traffic can be intimidating and overwhelming for pedestrians. It can deter them from using crosswalks or waiting for signals, leading to jaywalking or other risky behaviors. Speed limits and traffic-calming measures tend to encourage safer pedestrian behavior.

Accident frequency: The likelihood of pedestrian accidents occurring increases with higher speeds. Reducing speed limits in urban areas can lead to a decrease in the number of accidents, as drivers have more time to react and pedestrians feel safer crossing the road.

Road design: Slower speeds can promote road design that is more pedestrian-friendly, with wider sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian islands. This, in turn, can reduce the potential for accidents.

Of course, cars traveling at excessive speeds are not only dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists. It also greatly heightens the risk of accidents involving multiple vehicles.

Other drivers have less time to react to the actions of a speeding motorist, and vehicles moving at greater speeds create a greater risk of serious injury or death to other road users.

Pedestrian Accident Injuries

Injuries from pedestrian and auto accidents can be both physically and emotionally devastating, often leading to long-term consequences for the victims.

These injuries can vary widely in severity, depending on factors like the speed of the vehicle involved, the point of impact, and the general health and age of the pedestrian. 

Here are some common injuries associated with pedestrian accidents, as well as car-on-car collisions:

Fractures and bone injuries: Pedestrians often suffer from broken bones, including fractures in the legs, arms, ribs, and even the skull. These injuries can require extensive medical treatment, including surgeries, casting, and physical therapy.

Head and brain Injuries: Head injuries are a major concern, especially when pedestrians are not wearing helmets. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can have long-lasting effects on cognitive and motor functions.

Spinal cord damage: Damage to the spinal cord can result in paralysis or permanent disability, impacting a person’s quality of life and independence.

Internal injuries: Impact with a vehicle can cause internal injuries, including organ damage and internal bleeding, which may not be immediately apparent but can be life-threatening.

Soft tissue injuries: Sprains, strains, and soft tissue injuries are common, leading to pain, swelling, and reduced mobility.

Psychological or emotional trauma: Pedestrian accidents can also cause psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety, affecting mental well-being.

Contacting an Experienced Lawyer

The recovery from pedestrian accident injuries can be lengthy and costly, involving medical expenses, rehabilitation, and potential lifestyle adjustments.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a pedestrian accident caused by a speeding or negligent driver or lost a loved one in such a tragic incident, an experienced California pedestrian accident lawyer can help you better understand your legal rights and options.

We hope that this legislation helps prevent major injuries in pedestrian and car collisions by introducing speed cameras. 

When accidents do occur, turn to Bisnar Chase for superior representation. With a 99% success rate, we have won more than $800 Million for our clients. Contact us now for a free consultation.


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