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Family Seeks Justice After Dog Attack Sends Two Children to Hospital in Henderson Nevada

a pack of large breed dogs

Following their respective children’s attacks by dogs in the neighborhood and multiple injuries, two families in Henderson, Nevada, are looking for justice. According to a KTNV news report, 11-year-old Reed Flores was riding his electric scooter to school in the MacDonald Ranch area when he was attacked. The boy said the dog bit him in the knee. He said a man was walking his dogs, and they “leaped and lunged” at him.

Ongoing Investigation into Dog’s Owner

The attack left Reed with bruises on his bags and legs. Several stitches were needed to close the wound. His mother, Kellie Flores, told KTNV, “skin flapped over, you could see flesh on the wound.” She said even as she was taking her son to the hospital after the Aug. 29 attack, they passed the intersection where it happened and saw first responders tending to one of Reed’s classmates. According to Kellie Flores, she rolled down her car window and inquired as to whether a dog had bitten the girl.

She said both children had to go to the hospital, and the families had to get rabies shots because they did not know the dogs or their vaccination history. They believe it was one dog that attacked both children and that it was off-leash at the time. A nearby resident sent videos of a man walking three dogs to the outlet security camera. The Flores family believes the man in the video owns three dogs, and at least one is responsible for the attacks.

Local animal control officials are investigating this incident, but the dog owner has not been identified. Kellie Flores said Reed’s wounds are healing but that the attack has had a lasting impact on him. She said that her son is afraid to ride his scooter to school because he is afraid of getting bitten. Our thoughts and prayers are with both of these children, who are recovering from their physical injuries and the emotional trauma of this dog attack.

Do Dog Attacks Have a Psychological Impact on Kids?

The psychological impact of dog bites on children can be significant and profound. Dog attacks can have a lasting impact, often extending beyond physical injuries. When a dog bites a child, they are at risk of developing a range of emotional and psychological issues, such as fear, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

One of the most common emotional responses is an intense fear of dogs. This fear can manifest as avoidance behavior where the child becomes reluctant, terrified, or even paranoid of being around dogs or other animals—even when the environment seems perfectly harmless. In severe cases, this fear can generalize to other animals or outdoor spaces, limiting the child’s ability to engage in everyday activities.

Children who experience traumatic dog bites may develop PTSD. Symptoms of this condition may include flashbacks of the dog attack, nightmares, irritability, and heightened anxiety. These children may also try to avoid situations and environments that remind them of the event or feel distressed when exposed to dogs, even when they see dogs in a TV show or movie.

The emotional scars of dog bites can also affect a child’s social life and, potentially, his or her social interactions. If facial injuries or scarring occur, they may struggle with body image issues or feel self-conscious in social situations, leading to isolation or a decline in self-esteem.

Therapeutic interventions, such as counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy, can help children process their trauma and rebuild confidence. Early emotional support is critical to preventing long-term psychological harm and ensuring the child regains a sense of safety and security after such a traumatic event.

How Can You Hold Negligent Dog Owners Accountable?

Holding negligent owners accountable after a dog attack requires several actions on the part of victims and their families. Here are some of the most important steps top take immediately after a dog attack that can help ensure that your rights are protected:

  • Seek medical attention as soon as possible. Documenting your injuries is crucial to demonstrating the severity of the attack’s damage. Medical records, photographs, and detailed descriptions of the injuries are evidence if you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit.
  • Report the incident to local authorities, particularly local animal control officials. They will investigate the incident, document the dog’s behavior, and check if the dog is up-to-date on vaccinations, particularly for rabies. This may often result in warnings or fines for the dog owner.
  • Check police/city records to see if the dog was deemed dangerous or has attacked others (humans or dogs) before.
  • Seek the counsel of an experienced dog bite lawyer who can help you file a lawsuit and put you in the best possible position to receive fair and full compensation for all your losses.

Dog Bite Laws: Strict Liability Statutes

Both California and Nevada are states that have strict liability statutes when it comes to dog attacks. This law holds a dog owner automatically liable for injuries caused by their dog, regardless of the owner’s knowledge of the dog’s dangerous tendencies or prior behavior. Unlike negligence-based legal claims, which require proof that the owner failed to take reasonable care to prevent harm, strict liability makes it easier for victims to obtain compensation after a dog bite.

Under strict liability, the injured party only needs to prove that the dog caused the injury through a bite; the victim was legally allowed to be in the location where the bite occurred, and the victim did not provoke the dog. Strict liability statutes often make dog bite cases more straightforward by removing the need to prove that the dog owner was negligent or knew the dog was dangerous, increasing the chances for victims to receive compensation for medical bills, emotional trauma, and other damages. In such cases, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help victims and their families understand the law and hold dog owners responsible.


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